Thursday, April 21, 2005

The duck is broken

Not a bad day. In the English sense. Spent reading tv scripts, written by MA students at DeMontfort University in Leicester aloud, for them to have that experience for the first time. 12 scripts in all and at least twice as many characters so I will have interesting dreams tonight! The talent is exceptional and the realisation of it after only 16 weeks a tribute to their tutor Jim Hill who has held most positions in TV drama in his time but has always been a champion of the writer. There were at least three contributions which I would love to see produced right now. Working with three terrific acting colleagues, thinking on the spot, making it up, going wrong, playing parts one would never be cast as in a million years, it was a great work out for the owld brain box and heart strings combination. We got a free lunch, we get paid (eventually) and went to the pub for a bit after. A kind of heaven.
And hey, whaddya know? I got the psychic job on "Family Affairs" (see last post) so we don't have to sell the house this month (maybe next) and I've broken my four month duck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rod. Good news.


6:21 pm  
Blogger OvaGirl said...

yes, good on you. and the uni gig sounded a lot of fun.
glad it's going well but have to say the image conjured up by you saying "I've broken my four month duck" was a little sadistic!

another english theatre saying?

11:15 pm  
Blogger Rod said...

I thought Australia was the greatest cricketing nation on earth. Until later this year of course. Phone a friend.

11:12 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rod, just wanted to say thank you so much for coming to read our work @ De Montfort. You and your fellow actors were fab (!) and did a grand job in helping us put our work into perspective...

Al (Author of Washed Up, the one with the fat agent and loads of drunks!)

12:09 pm  
Blogger OvaGirl said...

Oh dear, it was a sporting reference...

well congrats anyway. And good to read Mrs R Blogs btw. Can we expect to see Small R Blogs anytime? (maybe with parental assistance?)

2:27 pm  
Blogger Rod said...

Just to dispel any possible illusions Mrs R is no relation and I am as eager to hear more as you are. Perhaps you should give her a nudge.

3:08 pm  
Blogger OvaGirl said...

oh yes have just reread Mrs R. That was a bit goosey of me, sorry. Think I was very tired and must have skimmed over first bit.(These people who write big chunky paragraphs you know!)

12:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats ! Is Family Affairs a tv show ? As for the psychic.... play him straight , like your instincts tell you. People who are psychics just know to live with it. It's a blessing and a curse all at once like any quality.

10:08 pm  

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