Friday, April 15, 2005


So I went to this other commercial interview yesterday and after filling in da form and having da flash in da face I study de script right? Luckily it was only one line, or one word actually, well not even a word really, more an exclamation. So I'm greeted by Toby and I thought - "why aren't you in school?" - but did not say it as that would reveal what a curmudgeonly old fogey I really have become. We wait a bit for the other guy to finish his important call on his hand-held palm-pod-phone-arse-wiper and then I go through the ident routine: Name, agent, profiles, while standing on the X. I then have to say "Oops" in a dozen or so different and amusing ways and we all have a jolly time except for mister important bal'head man who has seen enough actors to last him an effing lifetime. All in all it went rather well I thought.
One thing actors always get asked apart from how do you learn your lines is - "Have you got anything in the pipeline?" - Now there are many facetious remarks one could make to that, mostly anatomy based along the lines of - "no that's just the way I walk" (see I just couldn't resist it) but as it happens I have two things in the pipeline which I am not going to discuss for fear of re-routing or a blockage. Watch this space.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha. The pipeline thing is great. If i started using this here, being that I am french, people would either think I am crazy or that my english is just terrible. Actually, it would be terribly Bristish of me to use that expression in this yankee land. Might do and tell you how it went ? !

9:45 pm  

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