Saturday, April 01, 2006

Enough Larking?

This Acting Lark can sometimes bring sudden moments of decision. Quite serious decisions really. Even more serious than what to wear for an interview. Incidentally, readers of the previous post may be forgiven for thinking that I had left all this behind and was having the crazy time with the money and the sun and the girls in S.Africa. Thank God I didn't get that job! No moral dilemmas about advertising a gas-guzzling, urban tank and they were only paying a rubbish £30,000.00 buy-out. I am assured this is chicken-poo by those who know.

The thing is, I was offered a job on Thursday night out of the blue. A good part in a nice regional theatre run by a Very Nice Man whom I had worked with nearly twenty years ago. I turned it down! Well, Larkland Pipeline, as far as one can tell is oozing a bit and while a bird in the hand is etc. I can't afford to be tied up at this point because of possibilities pending. The decision had to be made immediately as the job starts on Monday.

It didn't matter what I wore to the rather exciting interview I had on Friday as it was to voice a character in a feature length animation. A mad American military type. I borrowed a bit of the Colonel in Sgt. Bilko - what was his name? - and mixed in a bit of Yogi Bear and gave it some muscle. It made me laugh but I have no idea how it was received. You have to go in with something that you feel good about and have practiced well, otherwise you're just not in it in the first place. If you're not in - you can't win. I did actually give some thought to clothes. Of course I did. If you don't feel good about yourself why should anyone else feel good about you?

Looking forward to an interview at the Soho Theatre on Tuesday and working with some old colleagues in a TV-writing workshop on Wednesday, a repeat of last year (see The Duck Is Broken on this page) and I'm also helping to devise and deliver an acting workshop for young people the following week apart from making a short DV film with J. Enough Larking to be going on with I feel.